Uranongo Blonde Cattle
Located in Western Australia, Uranongo Blonde cattle stud has Blonde d'Aquitaine bulls for sale that are easy calving and have a quiet temperament. The Blonde bulls produce fine boned, high yielding, high growth calves with large eye muscle area (EMA) therefore increasing the producer's profit.

About Uranongo
Our stud Blonde d'Aquitaine cows are run with our Murray Grey and Angus cross cows and they are expected to excel in commercial conditions.
The Blonde d'Aquitaine stud herd supplies pure bred Blonde sires to our commercial enterprise and the Blonde crossbred calves are either sold off at 10 months as weaners, over the hook or placed on grain for 70 days and then over the hook, depending on the season and market forces.
Uranongo’s versatile Blonde bulls enable us to have a choice in an unpredictable and often unforgiving market.
When we sell the Blonde cross calves straight to the processor we find that we can make the most of the Blonde d'Aquitaine's high dressing percentages. We average 59% for dressing percentage and have had no penalties for being under or over fat, our average for fat cover is 8.5mm for our cross bred calves.
We find that the Blonde d'Aquitaine gives us high performance (growth, muscling and dressing percentage) on high protein feed. Feed trials that were held at Western Australia's Vasse Research Center found that the Blonde d'Aquitaines had outstanding growth results for a kilo of grain consummed.
For anyone who is interested in how earn an extra $5,800 just from changing to a Uranongo Blonde bull check out "Fancy An Extra $5,800".
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